Wednesday 25 February 2015

What to do if you develop diabetes

What to do if you develop diabetes

diabetes treatment:What to do if you develop diabetes

What to do if you develop diabetes If you develop diabetes you should inform your insurance company and check if you are required to inform the licensing authorities. If you are required to notify the authorities but don’t, you could be charged with driving offences if you have a driving accident. There may also be problems with insurance claims if your diabetes has not been reported. See your doctor for a thorough medical examination. Get a note or report from your doctor that says you are OK to drive and send this report to the licensing authorities. Discuss your driving specifically with your doctor so that you fully understand what you should do to ensure that you drive safely. Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and Driving Hypoglycaemia can impair your ability to drive safely. Ensure that you always have something sweet and a carbohydrate snack available in your car. If you feel your blood sugar level is low, pull over immediately and stop your car. Do not restart your car until you have treated your hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and feel absolutely normal. Diabetes Complications and Driving If you have impaired vision, nerve damage or heart problems, talk with your doctor about the possible effects on your ability to drive safely. Review of licences depends on how your diabetes is controlled (by diet, by tablets, or by insulin). Diet control – you are not required to notify the Driver Licensing Authority and no medical examination is necessary.

Will my baby be born with diabetes?

Will my baby be born with diabetes?

diabetes treatment:Will my baby be born with diabetes? 

Will my baby be born with diabetes? No your baby will not be born with diabetes. However, diabetes tends to run in families, so your child may develop diabetes in adult life. What happens after your baby is born? After the baby is born, the diabetes usually disappears. A special blood glucose test is performed 6 weeks after delivery to ensure that blood glucose levels are back to normal. However, women who have had gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. To help to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes, it is important to:

 continue healthy eating
 stay at a healthy weight
 exercise regularly
 have your blood glucose checked every 1-2 years.

How is Gestational Diabetes diagnosed?

How is Gestational Diabetes diagnosed?

diabetes treatment ,herbal treatment for diabetes,new diabetes treatment

How is Gestational Diabetes diagnosed? Diagnosis is made after a special test. A blood test is carried out before and after a glucose drink is given. Usually, this test is performed when you are about six months pregnant. It is recommended that all pregnant women be tested for diabetes between 26th and 28th week of pregnancy. If you get gestational diabetes, it is best that you are cared for by a doctor who specialises in looking after pregnant women with diabetes. Treatment The treatment is based on healthy eating and regular exercise such as walking. Guide for healthy eating: 
 Eat a wide variety of food 
 Eat regular meals and snacks such as, three moderately sized meals and three small snacks spread evenly over the day 
 Include carbohydrate foods (starch) in each meal and snack such as, multigrain bread, cereals, legumes, pasta, rice, fruit and vegetables 
 Avoid foods and drinks containing large amounts of sugar 
 Use low fat cooking methods and choose low fat products 
 Drink plenty of water